
Only if all those boo-ers go out and vote.

It’s no time to get over confident. It’s even more of a challenge than the last one with him as an incumbent. He’s still got a multi-hundred million dollar campaign fund with super PACs still revving up, evidently still has significant Russian support, both financial and tactical, and a crafty social media director

Circumcision is a ridiculous practice that should be abolished.

That is true. Fair point. I was mostly just making a snide joke. I do think deleting Social Media Apps will make many people’s lives substantially more rewarding and less anxiety provoking. At least that has been my personal experience and frankly I don’t care how much better they get, I am outta the game

This is not as logical as you think it is.

This shit right here? This is good shit.

Each representative has a limited amount of minutes to ask their questions; uncooperative witnesses know this; so they purposely fill up the time by rambling and not answering the questions (Jeff Session and William Barr are masters at it).  So she nipped that in the bud and claimed back her time.  Do you not know how

Money is the only thing that matters.  Let the world burn!

Now this is a video I wouldn’t mind autoplaying!

He also made The Godfathers, Apocalypse Now, and The Conversation... not to mention Sofia Coppola. I believe he’s earned the right to give his opinion on film-making.

Yes, the marvel movies are still TECHNICALLY art just like a Scorsese film in the same way that mcdonalds is still TECHNICALLY food just like a Michelin star restaurant.

Ken Loach hits the nail on the head here:

Don’t feel bad at all it would be wasted. Those that support him and those that enable him deserve no sympathy only scorn. When this putrid bag of flab dies I don’t want anyone on television to try and clean him up. Call him what he was a waste of a human being (another term used loosely) who’s death should be

i really cant wait until he runs out of usefulness to putin and gets a bullet in his head instead of poison.

and how cool would it be if he gets impeached, all his assets seized and is in prison and it happens there and it’s not a guard?

Your last sentence. I sometimes feel a little bad about my strong feelings about this. But you really distilled it right down....thanks for making me feel not so terrible about my white-hot hatred for these putzes. 

For all you dumb ass MAGA supporters this is why his lawyers never have him testify. In fact this is why all of the Trump men (I use that term loosely) are advised to not testify or appear on any program that doesn’t appear on Fox News. Why? THEY ARE FUCKING STUPID. This dumb fat fuck doesn’t even know or more to the

I love that every Trump-humping racist screams about how much they love the Constitution, yet this...

I own a property in Florida. I was going to do it at no cost or give it free if I got a ruling...”

Even if he can pronounce it, he certainly can’t spell it.