There are a lot of dumb politicians with lots of dumb sons, but Hunter Biden is hot and Eric Trump looks like Count Orlok from Nosferatu. They’re both pretty sketchy, but Biden wins on bonus points, which is looks alone.
There are a lot of dumb politicians with lots of dumb sons, but Hunter Biden is hot and Eric Trump looks like Count Orlok from Nosferatu. They’re both pretty sketchy, but Biden wins on bonus points, which is looks alone.
He might as well admit that they are all benefiting from nepotism. Detractors of trump see through the BS. Those that admire trump also see through the BS, but frame it as “being a good businessman” or “owning the libs” or some such nonsense.
Does nobody in the Fox audience understand irony?
Eric Trump’s score on Self-Awareness test was identical with his IQ:
Not a single person in the entire family is in touch with reality. But at least he agrees he ought to be in jail.
What with pulling out of various agreements with other countries, plus abandoning allies, Trump has made the US as untrustworthy as he is. The guy was infamous for screwing over contractors that did work for him, and for the fact that US banks wouldn’t loan him money. Let’s put that guy in charge of the world’s…
Your few paragraphs so succinctly summarize not only Trump, but also how America is currently viewed by a lot of the world because of him: lying and shirking responsibility.
Took long enough. Just think of how much faster it could’ve been: VOTE!
EXACTLY! Please vote in 2019, 2020, 2012, 2022, etc. The non-presidential years actually determine quite a lot of what’s available to vote on in presidential years.
but was reinstated in 2005 “for reasons that remain unclear,” according to CNN.
This is a perfect example of why flipping statehouses matter. Why ALL downballot races matter. Statehouses and city councils and school boards are where we can make policy that affects real lives.
“The whole reason they came here was to try to make the legal system send her to the fucking UK.”
At a press conference today, that fucker tried to suggest that the parents WANTED to meet her at the White House, but then they changed their minds. He got all wishy-washy on that statement when the press tried to push and get a solid “Yes, the parents wanted it,” out of him because of course he was lying. Like...fuck,…
Probably cuz someone realized there was a 95 percent chance if they did that, the on-camera reaction would involve a lot of f-bombs, many directed at the engineer of this farce, and would not have looked good for Team Trump. No concern about the parents, but definitely about optics :-/
I mean yeah, he's a tangerine-faced buffoon, but the real issue is a woman killed a teenager with her car and used her husband's diplomatic status to avoid justice.
Looking forward to him blaming someone other than himself in trying to explain away this dumpster fire. I mean shit, its not like they knew the stance the parents were already in before trying this moronic thing. The whole reason they came here was to try to make the legal system send her to the fucking UK.
Trump’s entire presidency is about bringing glory to himself. There is literally nothing else to it.