
Conservatives really don’t seem to like it when you ask them “since when is raw dogging porn stars a conservative value?”.

I wrote this after the Brock Turner trial and then-known-as Emily Doe’s victim impact statement. I’m copying and pasting it here because I’m going to start reading her book soon and I felt like it was appropriate to share.

That’s the rub. Trump is a abject failure of a man in life and in business and yes he did get elected but everyone can see that he

I am wondering if any of the people who opposed the recall of Judge Persky will apologize for spreading rumors that Chanel Miller didn’t write her victim impact statement. They insisted the victim impact statement was too sophisticated to be written by someone so young, and one jackass said his good friend totally

I couldn’t sleep on the night he was elected. It was one of the worst night’s sleeps I’ve ever gotten. I wouldn’t have felt that way about, say, Cruz or Rubio, despite how disgusting they are. Trump’s election spoke in a singular manner on how broken and fucked up our country and its political systems are. It’s deeply

You have to be at least somewhat aware of others to feel embarrassment. Trump is never embarrassed because in his world, he is the only person with a real, very good, perfect opinion about anything.  I mean, a lot of people, a lot of people are talking about his very good, perfect opinions.

What would Trump do, if handed this purloined DNC server? What would he even hope to find in it?

Yes, boiled all the way down, Trump is the id of the America that is not only tired of being dragged into the 21st century but wants to told the 21st century is actually an Illuminati plot.

Reading this, I felt not schadenfreude, not anger, but... sadness. Not for Trump, of course—no, fuck him and his minions with a hydraulic press, and then fire the pulpy leftovers into the sun—but for the country. There are so many profoundly stupid people in this country who have blindly followed him up to now and

How old is this guy, 70 plus? At this point, he is what he is and the time where could could be persuaded by outside factors (like facts) are long gone.

A thousand times this. Statistically speaking, if you’re a man you more than likely did something at some point to be the center of a woman’s me too story. The fact that that never occurs to most men, and when it’s pointed out to them they find the idea so ludicrous as to be unbelievable... like do they really think

Tl;dr version...

Having access to and actually going in and reading are two different things. He doesn’t read anything that has more than 140 characters.

Thank you for this review and, although saying I’m looking forward to reading the book is wrong, I think it’s a book I absolutely should read.

I’m sorry you’re so desperately unhappy.

Okay. I must have read this incorrectly. The DHS is prioritizing white supremacy as a threat?

Seems like a way for them to back into more surveillance of Black Identity Extremist groups. Sure, they threw the snowflakes a bone by saying the phrase “white supremacist extremism,” but that was just to throw them off the original scent of the deceptively bland “racially-based violent extremism” reference that came

McAleenan revealed that six of the victims in that shooting were related to DHS employees.

Proclaiming “We’ll know it when we see it” won’t work until they finally admit that “We’ll know it when our first instinct is to overlook it.

But but but Candace Owens said white supremacy was political device use by the left to scare black people into voting for democrats. How could I been misled? /s
About damn time.