I believe the excuse reason for keeping Trump’s feed active is because he runs official US government business on it.
I believe the excuse reason for keeping Trump’s feed active is because he runs official US government business on it.
I got suspended on Twitter for saying Steph Curry needs to stop playing around with trying to dunk before he hurts himself. But Twitter won't suspend Trump for everything his Twitter account is and represents.
Don’t care? They’re paving the fucking way and begging someone to do it.
Twitter has no excuse not to suspend tRUMP’s account and that of used butt wipe Terrence K. Williams, who started this bullshit. They don’t care if she is killed by someone inspired by this fuckery. They need to be held accountable for this collusion that constantly puts her life in danger.
I’ve always been a fan of thermite. Unfortunately its components are pretty regulated.
I wish. Our map is gerrymandered AF, thanks to the Repubs changing the rules to stay in power. The people in control of the House are some of the shittiest you can imagine. Even though there was strong bipartisan support for common sense gun legislation this year, the House leadership refused to even allow a vote.…
I don’t doubt it. These statues didn’t go up right at the end of the Civil War. I googled that Jackson one. That was put up in 1921, around the time that the Klan was at its most powerful. The whole period from about 1880 to 1930 saw an incredible production and placement of public statuary.
If I remember correctly some of my former students even spotted full regalia KKK members in the background of a picture of one of those statues being dedicated. What nonsense.
Haha! Too bad the Virginia electoral map is gerrymandered to shit and the Democrats, despite winning 60% of the vote last election, still don’t have a majority! That law will never get changed by a Republican majority.
Virginia Is For Losers.
So systemic racism is ok, but overt racism is bad? Gotcha.
If your only objectives are “down” and “fast,” a big truck and a heavy cable should do the trick. Back up the truck, throw the looped end of the cable around the... thing that needs to come down... and drive away. When the line goes slack, disconnect the cable from the truck and leave. It’s way quicker than cutting.
What’s the fastest way to cut through bronze? Like if you wanted to remove a piece of bronze from a larger piece of bronze before anyone noticed what you were doing? Asking for a friend.
Yes, but for other reasons.
Yeah, it’s backwards. Killing people actually inspired the statues if ya think about it.
This is in Virginia.
Was this a "I get these people confused with one another" episode?
The second Property Brother may have been murdered by Emily Deschanel, who appears to be completely insane here.
Directly converting car prices is extremely misleading, and Jalopnik should stop it immediately.