Oh look the “both sides” guy isn’t really a middle of the road guy. He’s anti- Title IX.
Oh look the “both sides” guy isn’t really a middle of the road guy. He’s anti- Title IX.
What is it about Title IX that you find so problematic, that you’re willing to argue against it in such bad faith?
The gist of it being if a boys field is at the HS and the girls field is at the MS, three blocks away, that’s not compliance. If both are at the HS and one is 100 yards closer, that’s not going to be considered problematic.
Title IX is very nuanced and is challenging. And it’s also easy to be in compliance with any…
It was introduced by Snow (nominally a R) with 10 Democrats & Bernie co-signing but fell victim to McConnell’s grand “refuse everything plan” at every level of the Senate. The 2009-2010 term saw a historic low level of bills getting to a Senate vote (lowest since the 1970s) as the minority obstructed and the Dems…
(The High School Sports Information Collection Act, which would have gathered this data, never made it past the Senate floor after being introduced in 2009.)
No, this isn’t ‘just what lawyers do’. Bloom wasn’t a public defender or a career white-collar defense lawyer. She is someone who claims to be a second-generation champion of women and protector of the abused. She offered Weinstein the use of everything she’d learned because having him as a powerful friend was…
You sound fun.
Correct: It is NOT your wedding and since that is what THE BRIDE reportedly wrote on her Facebook page, it sounds like it was not in any way a middle finger to her.
Disagree. People will actually mean it when they say, “Yes, I’d love to see your wedding photos.”
Not all conservatives are racist, but all hardcore racists are conservative/libertarian.
Lmao he’s like those girls who post crying selfies!
It’s a good career move for him. “Liberal” Hollywood has already banned him, so he can run the conservative grift for a few years. He gets to go on Fox News and be in Christian films given his known contempt for gays. He seems like a hateful, intolerant person so he is honestly where he belongs.
I was going to take issue with his logic on anti-gun advocates in that tweet, but then he included a picture of himself looking thoughtful and i was like “DAMN HE MAKES A LOT OF SENSE”
Fuck that homophobic, sexist douchebag! He belongs in the republican party!
The Homophobe? I am so surprised.
But HOW?!? The accused is her brother not her son. Unless he acted on her orders then how could anybody expect her to be financially responsible for her brother’s actions....wait Simone Biles; the greatest gymnast of all time is...Black! Oh they gonna find a way to make that sister pay.