
Apocalypse as a villain needs a long build up.  He needs to be the shadow in the background for a good long time.  One movie was not enough.  It made him the Villain of the Week instead of the season’s slow burn build-up baddie.

I can’t get too angry because DoFP was actually very good. And now that I’ve seen the Rogue Cut on TV I like it even more. I see why they cut the additional scenes for theatrical viewing but at home it’s fine.

I mean you can put whatever you like on Alderaan and not worry about why it never showed up later...

I thought the title said Alderaanian WoofCats, and got really excited.

I’d pick Darth Vader, Ren & Stimpy, and Snoopy’s Red Baron. *Come at me!

Dark Phoenix might just end up being a fitting send-off for Xavier’s band of merry mutants when the movie hits theaters on June 7.

It also demonstrated that making an EU-type story for the movies really wouldn’t connect with the audience, beyond the 15% of the viewers who care about “deep cuts” like Teras Kasi.

Solo’s legacy is that it revealed that putting “Star Wars” in a movie title was no guarantee of success. That must’ve been harrowing. It also demonstrated that making an EU-type story for the movies really wouldn’t connect with the audience, beyond the 15% of the viewers who care about “deep cuts” like Teras Kasi.

Fight it Jill. Come back to the light. I believe in you.  

Yup. They’ve got me.

“I think there’s a part of Rey that’s like, ‘Dude, you fucking had it all, you had it all,’” Ridley said.

I love this shot so much...

I never wanted her to kill NK. That was D&D bs “subverting expectations”. Jon didn’t even get to fight the monster he’s been after for years. I wanted to see at least a final sword fight.. Hell, NK doesn’t even hear Arya til last second..? Ugh.

Time that Benioff and Weiss didn’t have because they absolutely needed to get started on Star Wars.

Time that Benioff and Weiss didn’t have because they absolutely needed to get started on Star Wars.

Even more than Dany’s heel turn, which was gradually being developed in the narrative but rushed through at the last minute, Arya’s decision to abandon her quest for vengeance after like a 30-60 second conversation with the Hound is absolutely out of character. It doesn’t ring true at all and further underscores how

God, dude, please. Immortal edgy teleporting ninja Wolverine-Arya already killed the fucking Night King big bad. Did people seriously want her to ALSO kill Cersei? Sparing us that was probably the only good decision the writing team decided to do this season.

I feel like having The Hound and Arya finally *essentially* say “I love you, bro” was more important. Having Cersei and Jaime die together fit their dynamic within the show much better.

inb4 people complain that he should just be working on the book
