Damn dude, you are on a roll tonight! Keep on preachin’ brother!
Damn dude, you are on a roll tonight! Keep on preachin’ brother!
Hey dipshit, everybody has had a flag. Nazis, Communist Russia, new Russia dictatorship, Iran, Iraq, etc. It doesn’t mean jack shit if you don’t back it up. Fuck your worship of bullshit symbolism, it is worthless propaganda.
Fuck dude, that says pretty much all that there is to say about it, nice work my friend.
Dude, just read Carlos Danger’s reply and take it to your heart, America is supposed to be about supporting your fellow Americans that are backing a rightous cause as well. We shouldn’t be acting this way in 2017.
So maybe don’t spout off next time without any knowledge of the facts. Warrick Dunn wouldn’t have to help that many people get houses if the drastic overhaul of the system that should have occurred years ago would actually happen. That is only going to happen with high-profile protests as well as grass-roots action.
Journalists, not singular smart guy. It’s not a cheap shot since he is not responding to Marshawn’s direct quote, but to Jack Del Rio relaying one that could be altered.
Hey, he has to cover the other side of the story right? Especially on a story that is countrary to most NFL owners and GM’s “beliefs”. What a fucking schill, disgusting.
The show is great and your grammar and punctuation is terrible so I can totally discount your assessment of a show that you didn’t actually watch but chose to comment on anyway. You need to learn what suffering actually is you precious little snowflake.
But it will not be the cool 5 lion Voltron though, it will be the janky-assed 1,000 fucking vehicle one. And the first time they try to assemble the muthafuckin’ P.O.S, either Gurley, Melvin Gordon or Keenan Allen will shred a knee on the way to their ride and fuck the whole deal up. Leaving Redass Phillip Rivers…
Only problem with that is tent city is gone, the new sheriff immediately got rid of it.
Especially when Harrison refers to the 49rs game last year, he really didn’t remember that game was also in early december? Sort of understandible being a division opponent but holy shit come on.
Don’t forget to have a mirror full of already lined-up coke ready to go in his dressing room so he make the magic happen!
I remember seeing Winfield hit a smoking line drive so fucking hard, the ball never went more than 25ft high but hit the top of the wall of middle right center! And this was a pretty deep part of the park, worst part is I believe the ball bounced back in play for only a double. That dude was a 6'8" Willie McCovey…
He was voted out while the tangerine Hitler was voted in last year. That’s why it flew under the National radar. No jail yet but it is still in litigation. He’ll probaly get off again even though he has cost this state literally hundreds of millions of dollars in lawyers and settlements in the past, plus the decades…
Well the only positive quality he seems to have is he doesn’t embarrass himself on the National stage like old Jan did regularly so that lower profile is probably why you didn’t realize. Been pretty quiet around AZ since she and that sonofabitch Arpaio have bowed out.
Ummm, Jan Brewer isn’t the Governor anymore, it’s Doug Douchey. I mean Ducey, no wait, he is douchey. Makes no difference really, he is just as much if an idiot and GOP stormtrooper as Brewer. Made his money on overpriced ice cream shops, super qualified to run this state.
And Jimmy Kimmel as well, his “man on the street” bits would ask people if they were for the ACA and briefly described it and they would almost always answer a resounding YES!!! Then when they would ask if they supported Obamacare, like half of them would basically answer “Oh hell no, fuck that n****r. Steve Allen and…
This is horrible, when my uncle was busted for his drug dealing in it came at a very high cost to my mother’s family. This was because he had sold off all of their assests in the mid 70's when my grandfather died which included 2 apartment complexes, a van conversion business, a bunch of old 3 wheelers and vintage…
That is excellent, this is my all time favorite.
42 year old white male AZ native here agrees, he is a joke and a scoundrel. The scuttlebutt around here has always been the same as yours, he’s a moronic weasel that likely sold out others to get better treatment.