He was fairly close to shore and its only like 35 feet or so so its not really that dangerous. Yinzers are like cats, they more or less land on at ;east one foot and their Genny and IC Light soaked livers have 9 lives.
He was fairly close to shore and its only like 35 feet or so so its not really that dangerous. Yinzers are like cats, they more or less land on at ;east one foot and their Genny and IC Light soaked livers have 9 lives.
haha Genny Cream Ale made the list, I've never seen a small time beer that has such a diverse following. Jersey bros to lumberjacks, surprisingly, lots of people drink that crap.
As a long suffering Pirates fan (born 2 months before the Bream incident) and Penguins fan, I ask please don't lump us with the lot of those mouth breathers
As a long suffering Pirates fan (born 2 months before the Bream incident) and Penguins fan, I ask please don't lump us with the lot of those mouth breathers
he fights that battle day in and day out, the struggle
Can we get some love? WVU trotted out the right NASCAR named QB today! Clint Trickett > Ford Childress
Please, every sport has people like this get real . . . we do have this though, great story http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?i…
Another reason to love the NHL, some real awesome personalities
Philly is the first capital of the US, and it isnt that ugly orange and black flyers b.s.
Just because you say "not to nitpick" doesn't give you the all clear to nitpick.