It is hard to find evidence when Hillary deleted 33,000 emails from her private server, then had the server professionally wiped before anyone could see what she was hiding. Don’t you wonder what was in her 33,000 emails? You should.
It is hard to find evidence when Hillary deleted 33,000 emails from her private server, then had the server professionally wiped before anyone could see what she was hiding. Don’t you wonder what was in her 33,000 emails? You should.
Go to the nearest mirror. Look in it! What do you see? You see the reason Trump is our POTUS and for that I thanks you!
saying the Russian hacking cost Hillary the election is the same as the cheating husband who blames his divorce on his wife because she looked through his phone.
You’re correct; Russia hacked into millions of voting machines and changed the vote. Er...they hacked into the paper ballot boxes and changed the recorded votes. Er..they hacked directly into people’s brains and made them vote for Trump.
You and Criminal Hillary are the traitors to this country. I can’t wait the Clintons get what’s coming to them. This time they will stay broke ...