Kapler seems to be hungrily viewing Phanatic as a viable 8th inning reliever option.
“...because what he did was correct, which was to reach base any way possible. Wait... what’s so funny? Why are you all staring at me? “
Not if you’re Ned Beatty, it doesn’t.
I’m from Mass, but now live in Maine. Considering the largest employers here are Walmart, lobster boats, and bottle redemption centers - moving to AST will have no negative impact.
Well, Virginia lost again.
I suppose you want to take my baby’s gun away too.
I oncee threw a football over those mountains. If coach had put me in, we would have taken states. No doubt, no doubt.
Hey, Mr. Kraft.... can we take our Myra patches off now? It getting a little weird.
Well, all kinds of guns are currently legal, and last I checked - houses get broken into.
I’m imagining you as a frustrated alt-right Tasmanian Devil.
I hear Irsay is frantically driving around El Paso, believing he’s in Boston.
Pettiness, tho?
Don’t they always?
Why, tho?
Excellent question.
Long winded hipsters named “ Eoin”, due to the universal rules of irony, are forbidden to complain about other people being insufferable.
The saddest super power of all, is being able to spot posts by kids raised without a dad.