
Awww, this takes some of the fun out of posting obscene statuses when your friend forgets to log out after checking fb on your computer.

While all of you are indeed the sexiest writing crew of all the gadget blogs (except for that Cory Doctorow fellow, meeeooow!) you could all stand to see the sun more.

@Caeruleas: For the type of criminals who warrant life sentences for their deeds, they're not that bad of a punishment.

Reverse the polarity! The police box is interfering with our fez experiments!

Reverse the polarity! The police box is interfering with our fez experiments!

Paul Allen? I killed Paul Allen with an axe in the face, his body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen.

@matt buchanan: I've started ignoring the last few videos of Myhrvold (no disrespect to you personally) but I'll give this one a shot since you believe it worthwhile.

@Powerlurker: Hmm, I don't doubt it. I guess I just wrongly assumed the begin date for the cans, since I only started noticing them a year or so ago.

Excellent article.

I have great memories from my childhood of going to blockbuster every other weekend, and every sibling (all four of us) would each pick out a movie or a game.

Want to try out a new Linux distro, but feel a bit iffy on the install process? Practice in VB!

@The Lab: I would wager that there is some sort of sponsoring partnership between IV and Giz.

@The Terminator: Dude, how did you mess this up? It's clearly signifying the recent developments in human-based levitation technology.

@toxic: I was thinking that same thing. I guess "century" sounds better than "decade".