
These are some pretty spiffy achievements.

@WildTangent01: Nah, he's just 14 years old and can't really appreciate anything past MW2 or Halo.

Ah yes, drivers. Many a frustrated minute was had trying to get the wireless drivers working just right in Linux.... good times.

"BREAKING NEWS: Large Air Spill at Wind Farm. No threats reported. Some claim to enjoy the breeze."

@kingcrim84: Am I reading that right? Are there really stars the size of our solar system?

@destryer: They landed on the moon first, then played the film of them flying home backwards?

@dvill006: In my experience, gedit is better for note-taking while vim and emacs is better for coding. I presume LH is leaning towards more note-taking here than the programming route.

Needs more Elvis on the soundtrack.

And by sheer coincidence, this comes out on my 21st birthday?

Goddammit, if the world ends before my birthday tomorrow I will be SO PISSED!

He looks kinda like this guy.

If I hadn't heard about this on NPR earlier today, I would've thought The Onion is now a contributor to Gizmodo.

I have three different Google accounts, and I use different browsers to log in to each one.

I can see what you were going for here, and I think I get the overall message, but you sure took a mighty strange way of getting there.

I've been using Old Spice everything even before the Bruce Campbell campaigns, but these commercials just make me want to buy more.

@mricyfire: Wait, you can't get your money back and buy a different phone? Ouch.

I thought this was titled "A Nerfy Wedding Ring" and that made the kid inside me burst with joy.

@mricyfire: Too late for a refund I take it?

@dtptampa: You buy a new computer, but you were on a budget and had to buy something that was low on system performance.