
What if a colorblind guy comes to a stoplight that runs horizontal?

My point is that he, along with half of the voting public (at least), is/are complete and utter fucking morons.

Reminder: the guy who wrote this article also wrote an article about how he couldn’t figure out how to use an xbox.

Comment that is mildly amusing but will stay gray because it’s more than 10 minutes past initial time of publishing.

“Please pay attention to me”

If you drink first you just end up not caring, which is even better.

1. Being hit by a car

I watched this way too many times

This wasn’t ESPN

You just blew my mind, man

That’s not nearly click-baitey enough

Well, technically, she’s not wrong.

Interesting that such an anti-gun person would surround himself with so many guns.

You PC bro?

Shutting planned parenthood down has nothing to do with money...

I think that dude should be more worried about hiring random people off the internet to watch his kids than the status of his fucking pasta salad.

So...can I get my goddamn money back for this fight?

This is a poem

Your buddy’s dad is not good at drawing arms.