
How about...

<eyeroll> cloaking devices have nothing to do with it.

<eyeroll> cloaking devices have nothing to do with it.

I might buy a GM product one more time if a badge engineered Suburban with respectable 0-60 times emerged.

You and Long Voyager can take a moonlight walk and talk all about it.

This entire article is a filthy lie. Repent, sinner!

For real, Alanis, there’s enough Dodge contempt in this post to fuel the takeover of a third world country.

The closest tone I can think of is a drag bike. 4 banger. The sound is smoothed out a bunch by the hair dryers, so high RPM’s could easily be mistaken for a V8. By.... Someone.

Let’s be honest... This thing is maybe 30% Ape. He probably only used the Ape because there was one laying around. Build something cool out of whatever you can put your hands on and Hoon the balls off of it.

I’ve heard a few V8's in my time, that doesn’t sound like any of them. That’s a four pot on steroids.

Seriously, this post should have a NSFW tag.

Love the car, NP, this is going to be a landslide win.

I grudgingly agree about the taillights. I pretty much hate everything GM but those got it going on.


Stripped and buried? It’s stolen. Not like there’s many choices of ditch sites on Ole Guernsey. They should keep digging, they’ll probably find some Nazi gold, a 10mm and the clitoris.

Paging Rude Negro.....

Will it blend?

Then you haven’t dealt with many refuelers. Municipal accounts are gold.

Man, she was really something back in the day. Seems as though she’s now so crazy her boyfriend faked his own death and fled the continent.

It happens so often I believe scam artists yank the listing due to publicity. Of course I can’t be sure exactly when it got pulled, only that it wasn’t there at 8:03. Even if it remained I still would have gone CP, it’s only a 325 - not enough car for the money. I see about a $4k ceiling.