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I’d rather have chlamydia than a Mondial. Much easier to get rid of.
I highly doubt a beer is what he has in mind right now as his phone goes nuclear.
So today we’re going to find someone’s phone has been disconnected.
A friend of mine has a well used Eddie Bauer edition with a little over 100k on it he wants to GIVE me. I turned him down.
I’m actually not interested if the voice doesn’t come along.
I considered pointing out all the ways you’re not even close, but mama says don’t argue with a blind man or a fool. People may not be able to tell you apart.
Careful there, buddy, anything that’s got a .org HAS to be fake news.
And I would accept it.
I’m secure enough in my masculinity that I’d rather blow a guy than drive a pink Porsche.
You try reselling a Bimmer without factory paint.
The clutch pedal might be connected to something. Maybe it primes oil pressure so you don’t blow the turbo from lack of lubrication.
40% chance the exhaust dumps straight through the dash vents.
Right?? A marine battery box is like $30 and will keep the acid out of your eyes if you find a use for the roll bar.
Trying to figure out how much to ask for yours?
He’s quite clearly a home healthcare assistant.
These guys are too old to have to climb. Although, much respect for not needing dialysis, oxygen tanks and support staff to ambulate.
Why not. Just understand I’m gonna need all of it.
It’s okay. Now that you have admitted guilt I’ll send you a bill for the damages.