
Yeah, after 7 years the debt is written off as uncollectable, but that doesn’t mean the lienholder can’t still assert ownership when the VIN pops up in a title search.

It’s hard to say because mobile work involves no book time. If the lug nuts have rotted in like the brakes, it could take a couple hours just to get the tires off. And the hourly rate runs port to port, usually, so you’re going to pay travel time.

I recall FK waxing poetic about some Aston version of some yacht that was beneath her to have to buy.....


One with, one without. Both do the job.

My Subaru changes it’s own oil every month.

Hmmm.... Northeast?

No, it had something to do with the jurisdiction, the judge has no purview over placement. I’m not trying to be difficult, that particular passage stood out to me. It has something to do with the manner in which he registered his corporations.

A simple Google search will answer most tech differences, mainly the deck is nearly half an inch taller than the car and light truck version. Low compression, mild cam timing, four-ring pistons, small valves. Intakes definitely don’t interchange. They don’t turn high RPM’s, but make decent low-end torque.

I don’t think you understand what that involves. This thing is worth negative money.

I seem to recall a reference in the show that specifically mentioned he won’t be going to the country club.

NOT the same 427.

Only if it’s a commercial enterprise. Hydraulic brakes and under 26k GVW requires no special license.

Where the fuck are you that someone is paying that for mixed scrap? Fantasy land?

$125/hr plus parts. I’m that guy.

Not if they’re Lucas Girling. I actually won’t work on those anymore, it’s not worth the headache and busted knuckles.

This should have been the Valentine’s day candidate.

Rear engine? If it’s a Cummins you overpaid, but only slightly. If it’s a Cat you’re okay. Keep an eye on the radiator, they rot like wood back there.

No one is mentioning that unless you’re 12 there isn’t room to stand up straight.

I can’t believe the way this vote went.