Good thinking! Fatten them up a bit so they last a little longer.
These are obviously the same people who read “wet paint” and have to touch it.
I don’t need to go that far to have those. And I’m only talking about the place and it’s fauna, I find Aussies completely agreeable.
Grandparenting.... Extended edition.
That’s near the top of the laundry list of things on trophy trucks incompatible with Dakar. If I wasn’t beat from babysitting a 1 y/o I’d expound..... I’m sure someone will oblige.
You think this is traumatic? Wait until six months into the apocalypse when you’re eating your neighbors.
Thanks. I was hoping I could get through an article and comments about melting fucking roads in Australia without being reminded of the orange orangutan, but NOOOO..... ..
I’d be just fine if this were true, there is literally nothing about Australia that I find appealing.
One theory is a mis-supply by the gasket vendor, packaging Mustang parts as Focus items. Sounds like issues I’ve experienced from OEMs over the years. Something that might have been caught by human hands before it got assembled, but, alas.....
The “it’s not MY fault” clowns have all gravitated to this article. It’s the same crowd that is surprised by pregnancy.
Aside from putting a reading nanny in the passenger seat of every high vehicle in the area, the city has done more than enough.
Warning: you’re an incompetent fuck and should cease all breathing activities NOW.
I’m bingeing the shit out of the show right now, made it to the episode with Aziz Ansari in the tour bus..... Imagine my surprise to see them tooling around in my neighborhood.
Agreed. My first job as an actual mechanic was changing oil on these at a Nissan dealership. I never want to burn my forearm on the flex pipe under the filter ever again. That being said, these were fantastic cars. I don’t know about the price, though..... It’s not going to appreciate and it’s not a stick.
That’s the wrong way to look at it.
Okay, I have to say something to ALL the NPOCP regulars..... Are you alright?
The $52k is probably half what someone has in it. I can reasonably assume someone commissioned it’s fabrication.
The axles and t-case are probably worth close to $10k. A Ford 9" FRONT axle? This Jeep was someone’s fantasy, if the execution is what it seems to be the price isn’t beyond reason. Probably taking a good hit at the current asking. It’s not coming home with me but I’ll give it a NP.
Laid down the Harley.