
My favorite was the Jericho edition Caddy. Because even after the bombs go off a pimp needs a purple Cadillac.

Lemme guess..... When you push the little red button, it plays Elvis music.

Your chaperone is FIRED.

Right? Breaking it is a second..... Maybe two. That bitch is *shattered*

Don’t encourage me to dole out spoilers. Hint: they win.

I’m sorry, I can’t take Lena’s boobs seriously.

Love me some greasy VW wagon, but blah grey everything, no stick and that many miles says he needs to come down one more time before it’s doable.

 Skip the last season of DS9, it sucks without Terry. You should have watched Voyager after TNG, then DS9, in order of ascending watchability. When you start having ST withdrawals in about 9 months..... Watch Voyager.

Funny thing, when I say a leader’s words have weight you say they don’t. How many executive orders has he vomited all over us since January? They didn’t pass Congress and some didn’t pass a federal judge, whose peers have been getting appointed with no fanfare at an alarming rate. Pretty sure that number is over 40 by

I’ll take the lambasting this time, I don’t mind. I don’t believe I’m wrong. I’m also all-in on free speech, but he’s not an ordinary citizen - he’s commander in chief of the military and head of the Executive branch. His words are policy and he needs to choose his words carefully, especially when he’s lying. This

Nope, the President does NOT have the same right to free speech. What he says publicly can be interpreted as policy and has sway over global markets. And considering Drumpf’s past with the NFL it can easily be legally considered abuse of the office.

And now you’re the second one to say the G word.

I have to ask if the FLIR is integrated into a HUD like Caddy did for a while. That would be amazing.

Because morons can’t keep Challengers off their kids, how do you think they’d make out with that?

CP But I would like to take it for a test drive long enough to get some road head in that squishy interior.

Because they don’t tend to rust out up there. The frame hangers go first and those are clearly intact.

I was also curious if it was a Rolls that failed. I’m sure everyone at GE is wishing it was.

If I want a car built from a junkyard I’ll do it myself. Again.

Kidding, right? That’s nothing for a Cow Hampshire truck, right behind the front tires. I’ve seen rot so bad that the rear spring hangers disintegrated and the springs went through the bed, but never a cab flying off like that. There’s some fuckery going on here and we don’t have all the information, probably never
