Drop goals are awesome when they’re like this
Drop goals are awesome when they’re like this
More strategic? Running directly into opposing players is not a strategy. I watch both, but League has a long way to go before it is anywhere as entertaining as Union. And as for ‘not just a brawl’ they actually have rules that say you won’t be carded for throwing a punch. You throw a punch in Union, you’re gone.
As a Kiwi, there were a few things that I wasn’t even aware of. And some stuff that was left out, like how the ball can only be kicked out on the full from inside the 22 if the ball was received inside the 22, and not carried back. Also quick lineouts can be taken if the opposition is not in position for the lineout…
Just an FYI, the Haka video you’ve embedded is of ‘Kapo O Pango’, the All Blacks alternative haka, as opposed to the traditonal ‘Ka Mate’, which is the one that people are referring to when they say ‘The Haka’
This is reminiscent of the recent rugby games. Just before the 2011 world cup, 2 games came out. Neither had full licenses, & the official World Cup game didn’t even have the number 1 ranked side in the world. Rugby Challenge only had NZ & Australian licenses, although that does account for the best teams. New one…
I found a full suit of X-01 in a locked shipping container just outside the National Guard Training Yard.