
Not gonna lie. I don’t get this. The GT3 RS is dedicated to being the absolute fastest on the track. Manuals are no longer the fastest way around a track.

One should never go into these movies expecting any level of realism. That’s the beauty of them.

Make small children punch HIM in the face. They’re too young to sue and get him a Chiron.

In other news, I could have won the lottery. I almost could have gotten out of a speeding ticket. I almost caused a two car pileup in my driveway creating the worst disaster in my driveway in three days.

Is it wrong that I irrationally root for a 19 year old to fail because his Dad is an all-time terrible sports dad? Yeah, probably. Is this gonna stop me? No, probably not.

You’re wrong.

As a late luncher, it’s not about being too busy, it’s about hating other people.

Now playing

Is it just me, or did anyone else think Vettel didn’t intentionally ram Hamilton? If you look at the onboard, I’m pretty sure Vettel was so busy waving his left hand and staring down Hamilton that he didn’t realize that his right hand was dragging the wheel into Hamilton. Still doesn’t excuse the action of driving up

Pokemon Go is still going?

These synergies will allow it to design, develop and build world beating electrified high performance cars.

Goddamn, son. You have fucking issues.

Sees title, “This has got to be a David Tracy post.”

Writer, Clearly Unmarried, Jalopnik. 1985 Jeep J10, 1948 Willys CJ-2A, 1995 Jeep Cherokee, 1992 Jeep Cherokee.

I guarantee that there are no “Alpha” dealers anywhere in the world.

Once you unlocked the F1 car F090s, it was game over.

someone sucked at GT.

No, it’s not. GTE is that, LMP1-H is about brand promotion.
Your hybrid super supercars would be that, if anyone would want to do that, but no OEM would. Why build a car that would cost much more than LMP1-L, be slower than LMP2, in a category that would be open to single-team dominations and could implode very soon?

Its not the length of the video, I’m just anti-video in general. I prefer my information via the written word. My apologies, I’m a throwback. but it also lets me flip back and forth to other things/tasks as I choose without any interruption in thought.