
Probably just now discovered by the FB crowd. But don’t worry, they’ll rediscover it again “as new” in another 4 years.

Don’t forget that many pickups, vans, and commercial vehicles also use V8's. I would think that Los Angeles would certainly be a contender since it is a big city with a lot of money and a much worse public transportation system than New York. They have plenty of luxury and sports cars as fleets of trucks, vans, and

You have made a poor decision if a 20cent difference makes that much difference to you.

Kinja has got to figure out a way to cap a comment at 69 stars.

Yeah i mean, he pays rent to live there and clearly has zero respect for that. I was looking at the previous posts he did, and what you can see of his house, is a pigsty. He’s damn lucky he has the landlords that he does.

Yeah he’s a fucking dickhead. Not even bothering to check with the landlords ahead of time was a serious asshole move. To assume you can just fuck up someones land is such a cunt thing to do

Fuck you David - I’ve followed almost all of your posts and as someone with 3 jeeps himself I still think you’re an asshole and

It looks pretty shitty what you did.

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

Ha! I was just making a bad joke. This made my week.

Start your Tuesday off right with a drive in America’s E30, the Chevrolet Celebrity Eurosport!

Make sure to drink your Ovaltine when the Matlock reruns are on.

It looks like a de-racing-ified Legends car. And that’s awesome.

A Jeep so janky, scientists are still discovering new means of failure.

Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

This is my local track. Crap.

I have family that race at the Speedbowl. Financially, the place has been a mess for years. This guy, Bemer, bought it out of bankruptcy just a couple of years ago. The Speedbowl had been foreclosed on more than once in the past dozen years. I expected this guy’s reign to end in a similar financial morass, not this

“I Call On All Civilized Nations To Join Us In Seeking To End This Infinitely Scrolling Blog Disaster”

Maybe you’re just boring. =P

Please tell me that Miss Fritter is dual voiced by Tina Turner: