Some people don't treat their home setup like it is an enterprise network. Using wireless for a PC is fine although not optimal/preferable.
Some people don't treat their home setup like it is an enterprise network. Using wireless for a PC is fine although not optimal/preferable.
I wonder if it could be hacked to call 911 instead; possibly using Google Voice.
I know that clicking through to the source link is often beneficial to getting the "full picture", but why can't a complete thought/idea be presented without clicking through? Seems like a combination of being lazy and bad writing has bred this thought that we need to click through in order to fully understand an…
At least this isn't a "How to Become a Great Cook Without Being a Chef" article where all they tell you is to cook from scratch and use fresh ingredients...
Maybe you didn't read my post. I said it wasn't incorrect to call it a GIF.
Generalizing something down to a level such that it loses meaning. This is a Cinemagraph. Its like calling a dictionary, thesaurus, or encyclopedia a book. Sure it isn't wrong, but why not call it what it is?
That is a very ignorant way of thinking.
We're not dealing with double negatives here.
If I am sharing a link with myself, I will either use Chrome's tab/favorites sync or EMail.
Bravo, +1
The process of preparing instant Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is by definition cooking. I am not trying to make any argument one way or another. It was just something I found interesting.
Did you really need someone to tell you that fresh ingredients and practice will make you a good cook?.... Really?!?
TL;DR Practice makes perfect.
Ahhhhhh, yes I knew that about the BSOA, but I did not know that was what he was referring to. I appreciate the enlightenment.
You sir, like me, did not get the joke..
I had to google this before slamming my head on the table.
I.. Don't.... What?!
Yes, because we should really be concerned with which display looks better when viewed from anything other than the human eye.....
"While the PPI spec tends to become moot above certain values, that doesn't mean more PPI is "useless" in all situations."
I don't see this being a good solution. If someone really wanted the info you were obscuring then I'm sure they could find a way to differentiate between the original ink on the document and the ink used to obscure it.