
I realize my post seems that way, but I am just thinking out loud being absolutely honest. This guy did little more than trace an existing image. The fact that he used sprinkles to "trace" it, however, is very intriguing.

Dear people who are comparing this to regular USB flash drives (comparing this to a 8 GB Corsair? Really?),

"Or maybe if you took 5 seconds to Google ADWLauncher, or even took less than a second to click on the ADWLauncher link in the article (or any of the other links, they would all clearly tell you that it's an Android phone)"

I agree with you 100%, but I do find this interesting. While the process to generate the image was simple, the use of sprinkles as a medium is an original idea (as far as I'm concerned). I am amazed at how well it looks. I would love to see it in person.

Read above; I own an iPhone 4. I have seen many iPhone home screens that look nothing like a stock iOS. Ever seen "OSX Lion Ultimatum"? You are either ignorant to the customization of a jailbroken iPhone or you're trolling. Either way, you lose.

One word; jailbreak.

I own an iPhone 4. Not sure where you pulled that assumption, but obviously you are incorrect.

ADWLauncher means nothing to me. Maybe if I owned an Android, but I do not.

This may be obvious to some but... Android or iOS?

I agree. Calling BS on that one as well.

Transmission does the one thing I want with encryption and block lists. I'm not sure what the angle is with uTorrent but Transmission clearly wins this fight.

That is like saying all optimists are egotistical. You are tying egoism with expectations as if one can't exist without the other and that is simply not true.

I see what you did thar

"There is no effective value to potential that is not lived up to."

I see this as a "you are capable of reaching your expectations" kind of thing.

The first day I got my iPhone 4 it had slid off my lap and into the crevice between the driver's and console. I recovered it from underneath my seat once I got to my destination to find a rather large scratch on the back possibly from hitting something metal under my seat. I have had my iPhone 4 for atleast a year now

Now they just need to make this tech available to AMD cards and I'm sold.

What warrants the $667 price tag? I really want the blue prints though because I would love to make a full rooms set of matching furniture (coffee table, couch side table, etc.). Anyone know how I could get the blueprints without shelling out my soul?

I believe you missed the joke.

We're currently rolling out Android phones but a lot of our users still use BBs.