
The corporation I work for is currently experiencing this issue with more than 10 users affected so far across the United States. So far, email is not being received on their phones but they are able to send messages out albeit with some delay.

I'm not sure if you are aware, but Apple makes more than just PCs. Fail analogy failed.

Then the other... "mask" comes off.....

This was the first actor that came to mind for me.

I am 23 years old, my dad is 50, and I have never witnessed my dad "lower his walls". I am doing fine. I work a full time job in IT, going to school for my BS, and I am a very good person who helps anyone in need (within my ability). Do you pity me?

I'm not bashing this because it didn't scare me and I know its fake. I'm just pointing out that there are things that completely give it away. It could be awesome if they kept the visuals more simple and realistic, it would make the entire thing absolutely horrifying.

So you are going to set this up in someone's house and just hope that they stumble upon it in the middle of the night before they wake up and see it during the day (aka trick nulified)? Or are you going to set up a scare house in which everyone must fall asleep and wake up at 3 A.M. before they stumble their way

I work in I.T. and when I need to connect to a computer, I use It has a very simple user friendly layout that is almost idiot proof. You have the user go to, click Share, hit run, accept, allow, etc., and have them read off their 9 digit number to you. You can then view their screen and request for

Not really. Doesn't matter what time of day it is. Cracks in glass shifting and shaking is a blatant give away.

You should be ashamed.. I read Gawker articles everyday and (usually) find them very informative. This article, on the other hand, is disgusting. You talk trash on this site and drag it through the mud when, after finding out the details you (intentionally, I'm sure) left out of the article, it is clear you delivered

I love sunny.

"..injecting vaccinated volunteers with the actual HIV virus on a larger scale."

"..injecting vaccinated volunteers with the actual HIV virus on a larger scale."

Next time my phone is stolen (lost), I am going to tell the police that it is worth thousands. I mean, all those tit pics have to be worth something. Right?

I don't beleive that racist words are racist by nature. One commenter mentions the Chinese being referred to as "dogs". Imagine in the US if "dog" or "dogs" was considered a duragatory word. Why is it that an ignorant person, using a word in an ignorant way, can completely remove that word from everyone elses

I hardly ever find value in these bundles. I usually own the good ones (Sparrow in this case) and have no need for the rest. Anyone else run into the same thing?

You are correct sir.

I just lost the game.

Your sister may have lost 2 iPhones in 4 months, but my sister destroyed 8 iPhones in less than a year. Luckily she knows a lot of people at our Apple store and they have replaced them for free.

Multifl0w for jailbroken iPhones (might also be for the iPad, but I do not own one) is similar to this without the "launching" capabilities. I bought it and I love it.