Matt Wilkinson

I've a feeling this is 'Cumberbatch is not Khan' all over again.

Seed of Chucky? Seriously? Bride of Chucky was good, Seed took it back to it's low point. Curse of Chucky was better than Seed.

Ah. How rude, less of a part for higher status. :D

Anyone notice that Prepon was moved to after the 'with' in the opening credits, now that Biggs is out? Do you think this might be a prelude to her leaving the series? 'With' is used a lot for big names with small parts, but also for temporary cast members…

If he'd actually read any of the comics or seen the movies, he'd know that if Gotham was a 'City of Justice, City of Love', it wouldn't need a Batman. XD

Well, there is that. We know that *someone* there is acting against them, but I'm certain it's not May, she's trying to find the rogue agent, that's why the secret line. It would be too obvious for it to be her.

I think this article's assumption that Hand is The Clairvoyant is a huge jump. A: She was never clairvoyant in the comics, B: All she did was bring the bus around, she may be under the assumption that one or more people on the bus are rogue agents, or she's in league with The Clairvoyant.

Really? The Clairvoyant was 'revealed'? Were you watching the same show I was?

Call me shallow or a bit pervy, but I was always a little disappointed that she seemed like the only one to never get naked in Californication.

Yeah, as Rockyrocky77 says, that's what the sign originally said. It was actually filmed on the streets of Harlem, so a sign that read that would be a bad idea. They changed the sign to read N****** in post.

I'm noticing a worrying trend for home video releases of older movies in new formats (such as streaming) are the edited version of the movie. I don't know if they're mix ups or they've lost the unedited version of the movie, but it's quite upsetting. I think it's sometimes that the international version is lost and…