
Back touchpad will most definitely be adapted to emulate R2 or L2, if devs have any common sense

Interesting, I thought most people knew this. The reason horses make such excellent long distance runners and sprinters is due to their extremely long and developed tendons, not necessarily due to their musculature. It has been proposed (and possibly posted on this website) that one of the reason homo sapiens evolved

Read Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene" for a startling insight on memetic altruism

kotaku is not a person. This is a vote poll with three experienced gamers giving their opinion.

That fallout glitch crashed my ps3 so many times I stopped bothering

There has to be some way for me to increase my amino acid levels eh?

"amino acids (the basic building blocks of muscle tissue) are made by plants, not animals"

GTA IV was MUCH smaller than its predecessors. I think this is to illustrate that this game will indeed be bigger than the monstrous San Andreas.

Can you imagine snowboarding down the crevices of antartica, falling down into an ice cave, and discover the greatest thing yet:

The first harry potter game on PS1. I don't remember how old I was but when you had to flipendo those flying eyeballs and knights that came running at you I stopped playing the game for 2 years.

Hey man, that's crossing a line. It's one thing not to like a product, but being glad its CEO is dead is going too far. This is a friendly website, let's keep it that way.

I can see where you're coming from, but there is a fundamental flaw in your argument. You assume that everything is bought brand new. I buy my new consoles a year or two years after they come out in order to get the best version at the lowest price. I only buy new games if I absolutely must have them, and otherwise

Trust me, we have one of those LGs at home and it is fantastic. No headaches from shutter glasses, no reduced vibrancy or brightness, and best of all, we got 10 pairs of glasses for 8 euros! Granted, we did get a smaller version (the 40") so the reduction in resolution may not be as noticeable as in a 55", but the

I'm fine with the positioning of the analog sticks, but in the video they mentioned that they we're debating whether to make them convex or concave. Why in the world didn't they go for concave? Is there any advantage of having them be convex?

I concur, though MGS4 also had some heart wrenching button presses in it

I've made this for all the girls that have come to my house in the past 20 months

I need a dollah dollah, dollah that's what I need

Personally, due to the abhorrent pricing of the vita proprietary memory cards, I'm just keeping my gen1 psp to play my UMDs rather than to have to shell out $300+ for the memory cards to hold my UMD library so I don't care too much ;)

Does anyone remember the EPIC original pokemon red/blue manual?

You seriously think they're slipping up?