
It is, at its core, a driving sim. It's as exciting as driving could/should be.


PS3: around $200

This is ridiculous. In Britain there is zero incentive to donate your blood besides the fact that you're SAVING A HUMAN LIFE. Nearly everyone I know has donated blood at least once or twice, and we are all university students who didn't get a penny for it.

I own it and it is beautiful. There is literally no fault that I can find with it, except for the lack of apps, which will always be blackberry's curse.

Still haven't seen a single respectable blackberry post in this calendar year though...This article seem to put quite a downer on android as well. I think giz just loves to hate :/

Those would run you about 10 times the price though

I am getting sick and tired of these motherf—ing dragons on this motherf—ing mountain!

They probably will. There hasn't been an altmer that I can remember that wasn't weak against any kind of magicka. It's probably just not recorded here.

According to twilight, if you were a werewolf, you would be supergay

Only if they're attached to their frickin heads

Mhmmm...Feisty one you are!

Humming a certain theme song as I read this...

The reason people leave is because they can't afford it, not because the hospitals aren't good

You do know it's not about being nike shoes? It's about being back to the future shoes. Unless you were alive when those movies came out and were a fan of them there is no reason to buy these. Otherwise, hell yeah!

Because complaining about it off-topic is definitely going to help you get your star back....

Now this would be really cool if his other eye had a contact lens over it that displayed the recording of the prosthetic. He could actually zoom in on his surroundings, have night/thermal vision, or of course just instagram the world.

Grow up gizmodo, just, grow up.

Did you say nazi?

Because gizmodo editors get paid to start a smear campaign against RIM everytime they're in the news.