
I've got my Logitech Dinovo Edge for mac (with scissor keys) which is by far the best keyboard I've ever used. It's got media keys, I actually use the touchdisc, and it's SILENT. I've typed on mechanical keyboards before, but living in a student dorm and typing a paper on a mechanical keyboard isn't so nice for the

@TendoMentis: Until he becomes a black hole. Then he'll really pull in all those friends.

@Neal_Fazio: some men have thin arm hairs, some blonde arm hairs, some less hairs. Not everyone looks like a caveman without doing all those things you mentioned.

Mass Effect games (like any RPG) is a HUGE time investment. I must say, ME2 is in my opinion definitely worth it!

I don't know what you played it on but I'm on my third playthrough on pc now and have noticed perhaps one or two visual bugs at the most... I have honestly never encountered a gameplay altering bug.

Anyone who started to play Mass Effect 2 but didn't finish it deserves never to play a game again.

I'm not putting words in your mouth, just showing the dangers of a slippery slope when you start using words like "only", and "ANY". Generalizing with any group of people is... well impossible which is why I showed those ridiculous examples.

Because you follow some rules doesn't make you completely orthodox and means that you follow everything literally. You've got orthodox Christians who don't do anything on Sunday and then you've got the Amish who don't use technology at all. Are you insinuating that those are the same? Or are you saying that every

Unless the dogs are female. Immunities are passed to fetuses through the mother.

Wow, a rational response on the internet! I must say sir, you do not do your name justice and for this I truly thank you. Perhaps the 3D will be surmountable after getting used to it, but unfortunately this hasn't been reported yet. Perhaps a 2-month-after review would suffice. Personally, I bought an original DS and

@Till-Troll: First of all, your analogy is flawed. Muscle aches simply come from muscle fatigue and lactic acid buildup. There is nothing harmful about it, there is nothing dangerous about it. It's just uncomfortable.

Why should college lecturers have all the fun?

@laserfox: Two words: Spotify Premium

@GamingTheory: I thought the AI on Mass Effect was fine as long as you played on the hardest difficulty setting. They'd flank you, press forward, and use the abilities and strengths of their elites strategically.

@baconfaces: by the age of 17 you should really be able to make your own choices.... clearly there was some kind of mutual consent....

@TanyaRei: Not from him, not from anyone ;)

Considering how 'amazing' GTAIV was on PC I'll pass...