

@LuckyLymon: So Mr. "Correct Technique", what is your magic tool for instantly fixing distortions?

ferrofluid is always incredible. I made my own a bit back with some printer toner. Turned out to be pretty dang awesome :D

@BlaqkAudio: exactly. Most closed cans and in-ears are by nature noise-isolating, but noise cancelling tends to only be on "cheap" (i say this ironically) consumer headsets.

@QAZZY: apple in ears go up to 70 bucks... you can get much nicer sennheisers for that. Most audiophiles stray away from anything Bose anyways...

@Boswell: This makes me happy to own a mac... at least they had catchy tunes rather than a screaming guy with trisomy 21....

don't use the classic layout, you have to be on

Really would love to be evil, but I really prefer the way the good girl looks, even though her lines are so much worse... which will win, my sense of awesome gameplay or my libido? Sigh, good guy it is.

@AgamemnonV2: You sir have clearly not played Half-life nor Portal. It's not the main character that tells the story, it's the fantastic supporting characters. This makes the main character not another player in the story, but a shell representing YOU, which completely immerses you in a game. Granted, this won't work

Thank you Bethesda....

@Qwxptlz: Yes they did, what an epic theme.

@smi1ey: yup... i still haven't finished the main storyline. I don't think I ever will... though I may try doing so just to get me hyped up for skyrim.. though i don't actually need any help with that.

sounds you should start your own blog about your OPINION on games. That's exactly what a review is, an opinion (albeit nuanced) on the merits and flaws of a game. Just because you didn't appreciate the jungles doesn't mean the rest of the world joined you in that hateful chorus. Of course you are free to share your

@Silence04: That, and the fact that crime is too mainstream for the hipsters to engage in!

@TD99: Just one of the most prominent technological companies on the globe today guv, though I get your point. I wonder if Gizmodo does an apple exclusion thing like engadget does....

If you ever, EVER put Dr. Dre headphones and audiophiles in the same sentence again, we're going to have to have a little talk mister.

@deux_ex_machina: Exactly, the iOS userbase is huge. A BBM-like client across iOS would honestly make me switch from RIM to Apple. They've already established the videoclient standard with Facetime, and now if they integrate iChat as a BBM clone they will be unstoppable.

@egoods: To be honest, if you still had some vista cards they'd be worth a pretty penny as they're now a limited edition. Most of them spontaneously combusted or have curiously turned blue with illegible white text...

@Gimmeslack: ... where did you learn math bro? Of course it is.

because everyone will let you use your phone in an academic exam... the only reason people buy TI calculators is for academic reasons.