
@Whitson Gordon: Ahh marvelous! I must have missed that article. I'll be sure to look it up!

My question is, how did you get those AWESOME black windows on your mac????

@ZenInsight: good, you'll have two and a half months to enjoy it.

@ZenInsight: Hope you get it before the 21st of December mate ;)

@KillerBee: I concur. And without that added ammonium, it just doesn't have the same bite.

I haven't made a phone call from my cell phone for 6 months now. Everything in this day and age is done through text messaging, and if you want visual+audio feedback there's skype. For calling companies I use gmail's free calling.

You fools have all been conned by those Greeks. With their cunning mathematics they have made you all believe that the moon exists.....

@psychiccheese: It is a bit of an assumption that the same workers that work during the day work do not work during the night as well. It is quite likely that there are those who only work night shifts, sleeping during the day.

@Erick Gomez: Smart people justify their purchase before making it rather than running to the apple store with a blindfold on as soon as they release a new product. I was hyperbolizing to emphasize my argument. If this is too much for your mental capacity to handle then let me put it straight: The macbook air, a full

"Costing $599 off-contract is embarrassing"

@bedhead75: Ok, time for a scientific test. (This is a very old laptop, it's a 1.3 Ghz Intel Celeron with 256 MB RAM which somehow runs windows 7 and ubuntu fine) Windows 7: 24 seconds. Ubuntu: 1 minute 12 seconds.

@Tactful: Yeah, but then you're at risk of getting that modern warfare 2 excuse of a storyline that hops around randomly from country to country. In an emotional plot-heavy shooter, that'd be disastrous. Not saying it couldn't be done, and I agree with you (As a Dutchman, I really don't want to play a

@bedhead75: No. I do agree with you that software bloat is less on linux but your boot theory is more than completely flawed. On my dual boot laptop with a perfect 50/50 split between the newest stable release of ubuntu and windows 7, ubuntu takes 1 minute more to boot up. I tested it. Windows bootup on an SSD would

@beanperry: Though it always goes too quickly and leaves you disappointed.

@ixta70: Sigh, it's quite sad that people can't distinguish languages with completely different alphabets anymore. Don't trust what you read on the internet and use common sense. Next people won't be able to tell Italian from Chinese....

@JimboLodisC: all cellphones have crappy mikes. It's a fact of life.