
@goodwood8: Mental Control as an alternative to touchscreens (you said maybe we wouldn't need em in 10 years =D)

@LTA: lolfail. Have fun playing angry birds whilst I'm playing God of War.

@goodwood8: mental control? must-not-fap will become a lot harder when you favorite promiscuous websites pop up as soon as you get the urge :p

@Matt da brat on da wheels of steel: Though every time after I flashed my G1 with experimental ROMs it always lasted for about a week max before I had to do a complete reflash.


@Lozmaster: Without the 3D screen the screen will be a lot sharper and a LOT 'prettier'. It does remove a pretty nifty feature from the handheld but keeps in line with sony's superslick presentation.

@Ryan: There is a big line between genus and species

@potka: In a way, you're right. The QR system is very popular in Japan and even most feature phones have the capability of using them given that they have a camera. However, in the android world, the QR system is widely used to send string information to android phones quickly (really just like in Japan, android just

@Ryan: Treasure chest is in first world. Have to double tap a treasure chest you can't get to

@tadrummer600: dude... it's rooted. It may be running a custom ro... never mind.

VOTE: Zazu for android

@BazookaJoe: Get a shark, and make it wear a pink leotard. Problem Solved.

@TwoLipsAndSushi: A FULL multitouch iMac would be horrible. But why not combine the two? Use a mouse for clicking, but be able to swipe to your spaces, resize photos with multitouch, etc. I love having these features but cannot stand the magic mouse, nor do I want to buy the trackpad. I want to be able to access these

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: When you really think of it, the glossy display on macbooks is already pretty bad in the sun, or any kind of lateral lighting. The iPad's with its fingersmudges covering its entire surface is worse. A macbook with fingerprints all over the screen would be a disaster. I say, great

@The Anti-Fanboy: From my experience... it could have always been worse.