I just wait. If you know where to look, it’s all online within a day or 3.
I just wait. If you know where to look, it’s all online within a day or 3.
Man I so wanted to go to this weekend’s festival of racing at COTA. My folks live in San Antonio and everything!! Maybe next year.
Stef, an article about how the Renault (Palmer) was able to start itself during Free Practice 2 using the MGU-K would be awesome, especially for those less F1 inclined.
Now I really want a bobcat
Yes and No... I did get 150k miles out of my Sway A Way built Fabtech Dirt Logics. But they were almost out of nitrogen and had gotten contaminates in the oil. Took them apart, a phone call to Sway A Way, 250 ish dollars, and a little time in the garage and they are better than new.
I rebuilt my shocks, worth every penny. Also those nitro steel shock shafts are much better than the chrome ones.
that’s at least 30k sliding across the floor
Never really noticed how the Zonda and Huayra look similar from above. I can smell the Muira though...
I miss flush mounted door handles... I know they aren’t as easy to use, but they at least might inspire some design. The pull out door handles for the most part are a lazy design that are just appended to the car. Not to mention they stick out half as far as the mirrors do.
musta rubbed the tires in bacon grease.
Those are purrdy. I wonder how long the ball joints and tie rod ends can handle the shocks. Most cases the shocks are way more adapt to punishment than the other components.
One item this article neglected to mention is aftermarket. The Toyota will have the largest and widest range of aftermarket items to choose from. Yes the Raptor does have a large market, but have you priced out some of those items? You could easily spec out an extremely competent suspension with some armor for under…
Just love how those race engines just barely keep running at idle. Kinda like a teenager...all or nothing
Also rolling the cab in the ditch helped preserve the roof integrity
Hell, COTA is just 3 hours drive from me and I won’t go to F1 simply because of the cost. When I can go to Lone Star LeMans for 1/3 the cost and have 3 days of racing.
Curious to see if the jeep in front and behind this one will be problematic as everyone is paying attention to the OD green one?