
They should probably concentrate on getting more original content on the service and stop pushing completed shows back a year. We had a good run of Marvel content for a while -- Wandavision, Falcon and Winter Soldier and then Loki -- and then ... nothing. At least Hawkeye is finally coming out this month. Also no

Keep sitting on that script, Edgar Wright. Sit on it forever.

The Immortal Snail solution is the same as my solution to It Follows: Cross an ocean. Airlines aren’t going to let creepy ghosts and snails board, and it would take a really long time to get across an ocean. And then, to really piss off the ghost/snail, when you encounter it, hop on another flight across the ocean --

How do you stick the snail in the box without touching him? Hire snail handlers?

Even though the final scene of Endgame is epic, Infinity War is overall better than Endgame. It’s not even a contest.

Infinity War sitting at #12 is stupid.

There’s a lot of that type of humor in this movie. Like the montage where they talk about how perfectly a heist is going to work, then the main character says “It’s not going to work” and everyone says “But we already pulled off the heist.”

I don’t understand the hate for this movie, and I thought Army of the Dead was extremely stupid. Army of Thieves is far more entertaining than it has a right to be considering the source material. If you’re looking for a fun, self-referential heist movie, I highly recommend it.

To be fair, the short story is also incredibly depressing. And if the endings are the same, also depressing.

I don’t see any commonalities between the two other than they were both on SNL (for RDJ it was a very, very, very brief stint).

RIP Alan Rickman :-(

Exactly. There should never be live rounds on a set. PERIOD. Even if they are depicting target practice in a film, squibs will do the job. There’s just no reason to have live rounds.

Didn’t anybody else watch Captain Marvel and see how Carol was treated by the military? She was essentially grounded for being a woman. That’s not exactly pro military.

What a terrible way to die.

How did you leave out the Alien or Predator franchises?

I wanted to respond to people questioning my comment, but Kinja is the absolute worst. The ending of Baby Driver is particularly egregious because the white kid gets a parole hearing after five years in prison despite all the crimes he committed, which would not happen if he were black in Georgia. There are only two

Scott Pilgrim was the first time I thought Edgar Wright might not be great without Simon Pegg as a writing partner. Baby Driver confirmed it.

That’s too bad because those have been his best movies. I’m still annoyed with Baby Driver, which 1) is the worst movie title and 2) was so ignorant about the issue of race, even though it was set in *checks notes* Atlanta, that it came across as offensive.

Can anyone explain to me why a person payed almost $10,000 for images like the ones above? I’m at a loss.

Man, that Ghosts clip is like watching a bad line reading of the far superior British show. WHY?! Even Brandon Scott Jones can’t save that mess.