Matt Sigur

Danger Mouse is cementing his status as not that great of a producer!

Blade 2 is pretty average. THAT FIRST ONE THOUGH.

don't be sorry, tyler perry is an asshole. or at least his movies are.

this is……good?

slow news day?
slow news day.

probably for the best.

listening to pantera is like watching a fat redneck fart into his friend's ears. it's hilarious, awful and makes no sense.

could you guys please just give us five minutes alone? SHEESH

Also fuck Drake.

It's easy to make Drake out to be a douche in this because Drake is a douchebag.

I don't know there are plenty of Primus songs that are worse than Wanted Dead or Alive or Blaze of Glory, and I hate Bon Jovi.

thank you larry

I can never tell what the hell is going on in Transformers movies. I used to think it was because I wasn't trying understand them, then I watched one and realized, "No, Matt, it's not you. These movies are fucking stupid." Whew.

jus callin a turd a turd!

For the love of God, really….

You're right. Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis have created the safest, most politically correct bullshit song and won a Grammy. Yay!
Are you wafting the smell of your own fart from this copy?
These guys aren't rappers. They aren't musicians. They're motivational speakers. It's a marketable ploy, and you just got sucked in.

I want to go to the party in Wanderlust where they're picketing against the incoming casino just to tell friends, yeah, I saw Aniston naked.
But I'd probably be underwhelmed, because, I mean, boobs guys, everyone has them. Right? Whatever guys.

These guys are wasting light.

Flight 2: Now with less drugs, "Feelin' All Right"

Goddammit you sold me on this one