Matt Sigur

I mean I guess, but you spent a lot of time getting to the thick of your argument.
Someone needs to clean the fucking house out. Sheesh. It's maddening to read the AV Club now.


Dude, The King of Comedy is so much better than this.

I was very late to join in on praising METZ. I love METZ. I hope they continue to rock and bring furious blares of guitar to the world.

Go home Ignatiy, if that is your real name.

Frances Ha and Room 237 STINK!


Man of Steel isn't THAT bad.

thank you hooded justice for doing my comment….justice

…there are 18 albums on this list

I upvoted and downvoted the guy who said Hate it.

agreed. i really hope they're making that sequel.

oh wait, he already tried…..sorry y'all

was kanye too busy to do this?!

Well, he wasn't this film's forte…eh heh…heh…cough…

In outer space, it's bling bling. Over here, it's bling bang.

that's a good headline.

I hope that kid can hold onto his butt!

don't be sorry. that was hilarious!

When you use words like superb, then put a rating of B on the film, it's hard to take you seriously as a writer.