Spooky Wagons

I leased one. My reasoning was simple: I didn’t want a huge payment, it’s good in the snow, decent on gas, has plenty of room and does exactly what it’s supposed to do. The only reason I got a Rav4 as opposed to the others is because the Toyota dealership gave me the best deal. Not everyone has the time/money to do an

There’s currently a similar situation going on in Cleveland. University Hospitals had a malfunction that resulted in the loss of a lot of eggs and embryos. They’re in the middle of the investigation now, so they aren’t even sure what caused the malfunction.

How would you not be able to throw it in neutral, pull over and stop? I don’t get how you would just let it go and ride it out hoping that some Keanu Reeves will jump in and save you from yourself.



I have an AO Coolers 24. Got me through the last 3 Indy 500's (Carb Day and Race Day) without having to carry a case of beer switching arms the whole way or rolling my cooler behind me trying to carry it up the bleachers. Worked out great on camping trips, beach trips, grocery store runs, etc. (insert Tommy Boy quote)

I have an AO Coolers 24. Got me through the last 3 Indy 500's (Carb Day and Race Day) without having to carry a case

Ignoring the argument over who makes them and why, (bc obvious answer)... How does the Government not do independent post-manufacturing QA tests? Especially for protective equipment for soldiers? There’s a quote from Tommy Boy about a guarantee on a box that comes to mind.

the NADS on these guys! how do they even sit down?

Someone get that building a cigarette!


Thi...this looks horrifying

One waved away the wine list when it was presented. “Just bring me a bottle of Piglio Griglio.”

These are were on my Impala and they’re made of the softest metal you can find. I beat the hell out of my rotor for 5 minutes before noticing the screw head. Oh the whiskey I drank.

A rather large blind spot on the left, no?

oh yes. I’m from Youngstown. I know my steel industry collapse.

Singers too pretty.

Pittsburgh’s too busy making steel for cars, structural steel, steel slabs to trade, and pipe’s for the oil and gas industry. Manhole covers aren’t in enough to care.

$. DUH.

Our customer’s don’t buy our safety gear, the employer is required to because we have laws here. Since India has no enforceable labor laws concerning safety gear, the employer may just pocket the extra profit, as they are not required to spend anything on safety gear.

Until they find someone willing to do it...and then Union guys try to stop them...then Henry Clay Frick brings in the Pinkertons then Frick wants to build a road over a dam because he’s a lazy asshole then Johnstown Flood. GREAT..A FLOOD..IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT!??!?

Maybe they should form a union...