
As awesome as Green is, and she's awesome, I feel like the show suffers a bit of a one-sidedness since her character is the only one with truly excellent development. Everyone else is just icing on her storyline's cake, and that is a limitation that should be lifted

agreed. the twist isn't gonna be predicted and no, they are not dead or something super obvious

3rd one is great. I honestly felt that the series ended too soon at 3. Still hoping for a 4th, cause the 3rd leaves it open. And it would be another game changer (potentially)

Dull? Agree to disagree….

If they translate the book(s) decently, the entire 10 ep run should be great. Its fantastic to see Dillion back…….my first movie I saw with him was 'my bodyguard' and he practically scared me to death in that one. He's always made a huge impression in every project, so Kudos to cast for getting him onboard