This is the smartest take on the problem that I have ever read.
This is the smartest take on the problem that I have ever read.
YES, me too!
People who have cell phones can usually watch stuff though, and mostly everyone has cell phones. It’s not as nice a watching experience, but it’s what people do.
Not lips but boobs and butt yeah. Major Rihanna crush. Also shoes, though. And nails, sometimes. Women are gorgeous! Also, we are so conditioned to objectify ourselves that we probably project that onto other women. In any case, I have never wanted a girlfriend, only a boyfriend. Romantic attraction is about more than…
She has TERRIBLE taste in clothing.
Willfull blindness. And I don’t think they are all right wingers necessarily. Any NYT story about immigration inevitably churns up lots of similar comments.
I don’t know what country your people are from but I’ve met a number of Russian immigrants who are steadfastly Republican (and also extremely and proudly racist).
Thank you, I thought I would get pilloried for what I said. I actually like younger people, and when I was in my late 30s I dated a couple of guys in their early 30s and it was great for me - I was just out of a long-term thing and needed that energy. And people in their 30s are full adults, so it’s not that weird. So…
It’s a difference that’s more pronounced in some people. Also, frankly, a lot of 30-something men are a little immature still, and looking for the “perfect wife” for their career and family trajectory. (Then in their 40s they start looking around and wondering if they made the right choices). As a woman in my 40s who…
Um yeah, a lot of 40 year old men don’t think it’s weird at all. The day will come when 40 year old men want to date 40 year old women, but we’re not there yet. (Of course some do, but you all know what I’m saying).
She’s lazy. That’s basically what she’s saying. Of course it’s offensive. It’s a cheap joke that she is not skilled enough to pull off, really.
Except uh, when she was younger. I think the joke is helped by using “Latin” but it’s also so dated and kind of ugly coming from someone like her. It’s also such an unjustified stereotype. It’s a cheap shot that she gets to make because she’s a blonde white girl who talks dirty. “oooh” I lost a lot of respect for her.…
Oh she loves it - she is really only shocking to the type of person who still uses that term.
YO. “Becky with the good hair” could totally be Gwyneth. I mean, who else fits the bill as perfectly.
Right - and even more damaging because she is not white either - she is Indian, and dark, and absolutely cannot claim that she does not know what good hair and good lighting signify. That said, I think she might just be speaking fashion gibberish and not thinking about it. :(
I thought that was part of the insult. Also I confused Rachel Roy with Rachel Ray which would be much more surprising.
I had to make it past Jamie Foxx’s gay panic garbage to read it, but it was beautiful.
I was sexually harassed in much the same way when I was a young lawyer way back in oh....2003. Yeah. I think that part of the reason I recognized it as such was because of Anita.
Hmmm...maybe he invested well.
I would so much rather fuck Ron White (even for free) than Jon Lovitz, even in exchange for a fat diamond.