Meh. Whenever I see a guy like him out with a woman like Carrie, I think he must have some issues to be dating some labelwhore stick figure in NYC and dressing like some kind of teddy bear lumberjack. Maybe it’s just a boring pathos, though.
Meh. Whenever I see a guy like him out with a woman like Carrie, I think he must have some issues to be dating some labelwhore stick figure in NYC and dressing like some kind of teddy bear lumberjack. Maybe it’s just a boring pathos, though.
Really? That’s like my dream date.
She set the bar SO HIGH for herself that anything less than perfect will just not do.
Here they play the long game - wait until the woman-hating shame is internalized then sit back and let us police ourselves.
There are 3 PP clinics in TN that provide abortions up to 15 weeks. Hard to know what else was driving her decision or her delay; there could have been some DV, or some internalized anti-choice rhetoric and shame...I’m sure she wanted to tell everyone it was a miscarriage or couldn’t keep hiding it and couldn’t afford…
Come on Jezebel - you could have done this research for the original post. Thanks Sqarr.
I find all of this really gross. The article, the image, the act, the constellation of apps and sites that accumulate this utter crap, the downward spiral of American mediocrity...
You totally do not have it the same as those friends, but kudos for acknowledging it and being grateful!
I think that’s great, really I do. It’s cool that you admit you had help. My biggest pet peeve is when people who had help assume that because we’re friends, it’s the same for me or that I can spend money the way they can.
I thought that too. Gross.
So so sad. I hope he got it together eventually.
Guys getting divorced are the saddest. It’s like someone died, or they are dying. Way worse than women getting divorced.
Where are you from, or writing from?
1) I said that having kids was hard work, and I honor that. 2) I said would it be so hard to imagine giving childfree people some extended leave as well once in a while. 3) you made snide, insulting comments.
Yes, but for many parents there is tremendous joy in raising children and spending time with babies, and all the learning and yes, exhausting work that comes with it. It’s just not the same as caring for a dying person. You must understand that, right? There’s a certain amount of martyrdom that parents trot out in…
That’s a bit simplistic. We’re not all running around partying just because we are childfree.
Well, but the watermelon is a miraculous, adorable new little human. I hate when parents are all “oh, it’s the same as taking leave for a sick family member.” No it’s not. The latter is scary and depressing. Having a new little baby and getting to play with it (and also it’s a lot of work) while getting paid for a…
sadly, i feel like “we have rich daddies and poor judgment!” would be more appropriate.
Not so much fun when the shoe is on the other foot is it? This is for every time an undercover pro life poster writes “I support choice but I just could never have an abortion, it would be so tragic...blah blah blah.” Always inserting your own moral code into every discussion of abortion. Here, I honestly do think it…