
It’s only awkward if you grimace and roll your eyes whenever someone in your dining party asks for a separate check. Servers are pretty accustomed to it. I agree that bottles for the table should be split. Mostly, I think it’s polite to toss in more $ when you’ve had more or ordered more. If one of your companions is

YES. But we’re in the greys so what do we know?

But why is that rude? I just don’t think it’s rude. Why can’t you accommodate your friends’ quirks or their privacy? Maybe they don’t want to tell you about their finances, and that’s okay.

Because I can just pay what I owe at the end of the meal? My point is that it really shouldn’t be seen as some kind of personal insult or tremendous annoyance.

I think we agree. If a close friend and I have a tacit agreement about sharing costs, that’s different. But I still expect people to chip in a little more to the pile when they have indulged a little more. I think that’s just being polite.

Yeah, but there are people who always choose the more expensive option for everything and get all weird when you don’t want to, so what about that? How about a column advising people to have respect for their friends who make less money than them or have other responsibilities? Don’t just assume we’re all in the same

Yes, WHERE IS THE ARTICLE ABOUT HOW TO DEAL WITH SPENDTHRIFT FRIENDS who throw all their money away because Daddy pays the credit card bill?

It depends - pay attention and you’ll see if one person is frequently reaping the benefits of splitting. Don’t assume that it’s fine with everyone. If I’ve ordered a more expensive cocktail or something I will frequently toss in more for tip, because that’s fair and not everyone has the same income but are afraid to

This this! Stop complaining about people who don’t want to pay for your meals. Haha. Just pay for what you bought. Sheesh. If I want to go out to eat with someone it’s because I enjoy their company but often I am broker than them (because I work in social justice) and purposefully order less. Some of my friends get it

Haha. Oh yes. It’s me, my dog, and a glass of wine. :) No one else allowed.

I love your name.

I still watch. They stopped doing weird musical episodes and plane crash seasons, so there’s that.

Jaw meet floor.

Haha, I came here for this. Had to scroll way down though. #overkill

EXACTLY! He is more street than almost any black actor I can think of, including 50 cent.

I think the philosophical difference we have is this : there is no corollary to misogyny. Sexism exists as an expression of power. Women don’t occupy enough positions of power institutionally such that our objectification of men has any deleterious effect on their position or respect as a group. In specific

Generally yes. And if they were talking about how some guy they worked with was not attractive and probably had a tiny dick, wouldn’t that be troubling?

YES. FINALLY. Jesus Christ, they were calling her pale and ugly and saying she has freakishly huge breasts. They weren’t like “eh, she’s not for me. But nice bazoongas.” Even that would be more acceptable. I think that when you start talking about someone being ugly or unattractive it veers into contempt. In general

Thanks - it’s not even hyperbole. I think the US would bomb Mexico if it ever came to that. Still, they could do a lot better.

That’s what I thought when I visited the DF. Such a great country. If they got it together, immigration would be going the other way.