
Well then I get to be a judgmental asshole on the side of abortion. We’ve had enough of this from pro lifers. To me choice is also about removing the stigma from abortion. She should be accountable for her decision to have this baby that she did not want.

Exactly what I'm saying.

Well then she could sue for the emotional baggage. Personally I think it’s just as wrong to bring an unwanted child into the world. The emotional baggage is borne by the child, the parents, and the siblings. Tired of tiptoeing around pro- life values. Abortion is a totally rational choice in this instance.

It’s a pretty epic fuckup but she could’ve had an abortion. Selective yet rigid adherence to certain religious beliefs is why she is in this predicament now. Just saying. The church is against birth control too, ain’t it?

I’m so glad that other people like Frances Ha too. I remember a lot of eye-rolling when it first came out, but it’s so good.

That would be SO MUCH BETTER.

I wonder if that “waitress” he married regrets it yet.

It’s very upper class Spanish girl (from Spain), which is to say, a little bit tacky.

Why don’t they ever hire ugly nannies, though?

I thought she was! Well thank you for correcting me. :)

Is that a real stereotype? I love being facetious with British snobs because they get so confused. Witty-American—-does-not-compute.

Men are disgusting. Ben Affleck a pathetic cliche? How embarrassing for all. You just know that Matt Damon is shaking his head somewhere.

You’re singing my song! I now work in non-profit, where the boys club is less pronounced but I still have to spend a certain amount of time side-stepping male ego. It seemed like the firm culture was easier if you were an extroverted, preppy, white or white-identified woman, but otherwise the layers of artifice that

That too - but his method so infuriates me.

Well, even this reporter is the daughter of a famously high regarded NYT columnist, and had clearly done an enormous amount of research, but he still (along with the Review of Books) thought that he should put her in her place. *eyeroll*

Also - because he is a man who is older than Sarah Maslin Nir. I have spent years as a female lawyer dealing with the same type of skepticism from know-nothing older white men.

psst - I think that by applauding him we are also tacitly encouraging other men to be more open about their feminism.

Ha, no I wasn’t kidding. I am 42 (female). The men who most want to date me are 50+ or around 37-38. Go figure.

Exactly what I am doing. It also means that when I do meet someone now it’s more “do I like this person, and want to talk to them more and maybe have sex with them” and less “are we compatible for marriage and babies?” They are two very different questions, it turns out.