
He is a genius, I can't get enough of him. And I don't even like that stuff, that Beyonce song is nothing compared to Nostalgia, ultra.


Not that she is racist. I also don’t know anything about her. Just that she’s Albanian!

No, I think you just have higher expectations of what life should look like for you. It's really surprising how many people in NYC actually earn less than $50k/year. People in NYC make a lot but they also spend a lot, so it feels like they are struggling when really they are just overindulging themselves.

She is Albanian, from the UK, but a lot of people seem to think she’s some kind of brown. Which is funny because Albanians are notoriously racist.

I know exactly who you’re talking about and I agree it is annoying.

She’s probably fucking a hot young guy. I never realized how much men love curvy women until I gained a little weight.

OMG, I think you’re just probably the most competent person there. What a bunch of boobs! I LOVE that you throw that guy’s stuff away.

When I used to work in Biglaw they started making the mailroom/clerk guys wear uniforms because too many people thought the black male lawyers were um, not lawyers. Including other lawyers. So yeah. This whole article is pretty funny because all of the comments and stories could totally work also if you are talking

I have been in similar situations with male musicians, no less. I literally had to pause and register that they were taking my opinions seriously.

Having worked with mostly women in both private practice and non-profit world, this all still sounded familiar to me - just that it’s been mostly the middling white women being promoted over more ambitious and talented women of color. Sorry, but it’s true.

I am an old, so don't know about that slang. Thank you for enlightening me, haha!

Hmmm... I was being serious. That is amazing. Good job!


I do think that 35 was around when I stopped putting random people down for stupid things like bedframes. I’m pretty sure the only reason she gets away with it is because she’s hot. Which stops being enough somewhere around 27. So yeah, I think there’s some more growth that needs to happen.

I agree about all the other stuff but have literally never thought about bedframes. I think you should also know how to cook and not display your toy collections as art. I just would never fixate on a particular thing like a bedframe. But that's me.

A pattern that you've noticed from your many years of observing adult men in their natural habitats? You're 24. Accept that you might not have all the answers about what having a bedframe means.

She's not really an adult. She's 24. I guess her 30 year old bf had a bedframe. BTW, I hate OKC because everyone my age is trying to date idiot 24 year olds who care overly much about bedframes.

Oh yeah. But I feel like Bey and Ri are queens of different things. Like Ri is the queen of style and DGAF-ness.