
That's awesome. I totally relate to the bored and routine part. And keeping everything just barely together. I haven't quit drinking, but I am slowing down a bit and feeling much better in the morning as a result. And when out with friends I'm saying no to that third drink. I just feel like so much more of a

I'm wondering the same. I'd be falling over like JLaw every few steps. And I don't get why it's so important that they wear those ridiculous heels and can't get by with regular heels. They must have someone waiting with flats on the other side of that red carpet.

I like this for some reason. It's weird but she looks great in this toned down palette and style.

Looks like I made it from my abuela's curtains.

Me too! It's like very delicate chain mail.

Best of the bunch (stylewise, etc.), plus on me that would look extremely vulgar, but she somehow classes it up.

It's very Game of Thrones, maybe that's what she was going for.

She doesn't look like she gets it. I actually think she looks her age - like a good looking, healthy woman in her 40s. She has wrinkles. And she looks great.

I knew people were going to say ah, not a sacrifice for her because she's beautiful. But so are most women who get plastic surgery, IMO. Drink water, eat right, exercise, choose your hair and style well, and anyone can look great.

I feel that way about her too! Like, I bet we would have had some wild times together but could also remain friendly as we grew older and more settled. I have hella respect for her commitment to sustainability and her ability to remain lovely despite her challenges.

ETA: Never mind, the point has been made.

Yep. Even Halle Berry (I say "even" because her fame has been attributed in large part to her biracial looks) has spoken up about race consciousness - in her Oscar acceptance for example.

I'm totally going to boycott.

Saldana's not that big of a name. If it were Halle Berry, that would be a better excuse. Viola Davis would have far more credibility in the role, but the producers would be too afraid of hiring a very black woman for a wide release.

Oh I thought we were talking about fiscal 14. j/k. But really about Allen - I always thought his depictions of women were really shallow and negative. To include him on this list seems weird.

You forgot about The Heat (Bullock/McCarthy, so funny), and I can't believe you listed a Woody Allen movie at all much less above the Punk Singer. :-/

Well, everyone struggles with the transition from peer to boss. But I would say that all great bosses are also great at the activity they're supervising as well.

I'm with you, I think part of the problem (and what this article is someone clumsily pointing out) is that we don't know because the language used to describe women leaders is so filled with gender bias.

Thank you for that. My love of Ri just keeps growing and growing.

I doubt that you are "very fat" given your routine. If you exercise, eat veggie, and eat only two full meals a day, you're probably not obese, which is what I associate with the term "very fat." In fact, you probably look healthy and happy even if you are not thin, and that's what matters. Or SHOULD matter.