What's DM? ;)
What's DM? ;)
I know right? I'm not a gay man or someone who hangs all over gay men all the time, is that it? She seems like kind of an idiot and, like all the other female pop stars, sort of like a drag version of herself.
Peeps are awesome. Chill, chica.
Maybe she's extraordinary but the point is that some people do get back on their feet because of programs. And not all poor people are horribly dysfunctional, I think that's the takeaway.
I'm with you. I hear these stories from people I know too, and it's more that I don't understand their decision to have more kids. I feel like I've made sacrifices to keep my head above water, and maybe not having all the kids you want to have is a sacrifice they could make that would make life easier for them and…
OK, Dasani's parents are assholes. There, I said it. Selfish assholes with poor life skills. and probably very little help in making better choices. And if they had more structure, and Dasani had more resources available to her, their lives would be a whole lot better. And they shouldn't suffer in those horrible…
This really helps to dilute the stereotype of Eastern European women as manipulative femme fatales.
This is what you said: "You are underestimating the power of race and gender and putting FAR too much influence on behalf of a private school education," and I am disagreeing with you. If you went to Spence, you are in a completely different category of class than most people in the universe, and that renders the…
Martinzes Not.
Whoa. I used to be a crisis counselor and have heard a lot of stories of sexual assault, and this guy sounds especially compulsive and dangerous.
It's opened a lot of doors for me. If you're a woman (esp a woman of color), you still have to work harder once you're in, but it most certainly does help.
Most people's parents work their asses off. Privilege doesn't negate that, but pretending that it's all a meritocracy is simply not accurate.
But you also did not have the same experience as your counterparts of color who lacked your credentials and ease with financial privilege. So please. It's actually not all about race.
Well, I do think that having wealthy professional parents gives you some fluency with privilege such that doors seem to open magically for you, talent or no talent.
Thanks for spreading good news about Detroit. Like everywhere else, I think a lot depends on how well you're doing financially. Stress level, what you choose to see and not see. I like hearing about all the public art, the neighbors who mow lawns up and down the street, the urban farms. It sounds like an exciting…
Hmmm. Some people might say that's racist.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult. I actually agree with everything you said, I'm just annoyed by my friend right now for other reasons.
I read that, and the love and disappointment in Detroit were clear on every page. I have a guilty white liberal friend who likes to say "I LOVE Detroit!!!" as though anyone who says anything negative about it is just being racist. I'm like "uh, Detroit is a shithole." When she sells her condo on the Upper West Side…
I WISH Jezebel was more worthy of that insult.
Ah, that's also how I know most of my celebrity trivia. :)