Cyndi Lauper. Love! Kanye, what a dumbass.
Cyndi Lauper. Love! Kanye, what a dumbass.
AND she's like 9 years older than him, which makes me love them even more.
How old are you? EW is a pretty easy target but there are so many crazy mixed messages women get no matter what they choose to do with themselves, and it just gets worse as we age. I can't begrudge the woman for liking that some hipster thought she looked young.
how do white people react when women in their own culture are constricted, mutilated, and tortured in the name of sexuality or commerce? they defend it, look at all the past posts on pubic hair. look at the discussions of Lena Dunham's nudity. look at the hate and disgust heaped on women in the west who don't…
Sadly, I think you do need to explain it to Jezzies, apparently. Great post.
You know, if everyone can have debates about women's pubic hair and call it gross and all that, I think it's okay if we also talk about men's genitals with the same level of scrutiny and judge-y-ness.
You do deserve to be naked, girl. Being a nonconformist from a conservative immigrant community sucks sometimes.
All good points, thanks for sharing.
I knew you were going to get blasted for this. But IMO, working from home (as a mom or whatever) has so many intangible perks compared to being in an office all day. I mean really, there are so many aggravating things about working in an office, like dealing with annoying coworkers or the hectic commute, or having…
But aren't you also just really fortunate that your family doesn't require two incomes? I mean, let's be honest, working full time sucks sometimes. I don't have kids and I would love to take a break from the grind - not to do nothing; certainly if I had kids I would consider that a much more worthwhile way to spend…
Haven't read the book, but I work in the touchy feely nonprofit world and women co-workers can really be the worst! So many women are conditioned to deal with conflict in a passive aggressive way and tear each other down in private - unfortunately I have found this to be more true with my younger co-workers (20s-30s)…
Johnny Depp is part Native American, no? He looks bi- or tri- racial to me.
I tend to agree at this point. Btw, the part of Bklyn they live in is pretty white and has been for decades - it was an Italian and Polish enclave before gentrification. And it's also pretty segregated. In general, the only time I see white and black people hanging out together (in the neighborhood) is among the…
DING DING DING! Yes, you are so right.
I got to say, I am loving that haircut on Lena Dunham.
I had plenty of orgasms in my 20s with 20-something guys. There are always comments like this on here - I'm 23 and dating a 35 year old, it's so great, he really respects me!
I know, for some reason I always date slightly "up" in the attractiveness scale, and people are often surprised at how hot my boyfriends are. I am too, to be honest. I don't get hit on in bars by strangers a lot, but when it comes to relationships, I guess confidence and a healthy body go a long way. :)
These people seem like such assholes. I mean really, this is why people hate "white people" and "bankers." I put quotes because they are caricatures of these groups and no, I don't think all frat people (or white people) are like this, but I often find that in stories about these folks, including of the skull and…
I hope AMy Poehler is getting $3.5 million for her memoir!
You know, a woman can care about looking beautiful and wear make up and still rock the grey hair. The fact that this is considered radical is very sad for all of us.