In a selfish way, this story made me feel a bit better about myself. "Yeah I can be a bit shy and awkward, but at least I know that I'd never do THAT."
In a selfish way, this story made me feel a bit better about myself. "Yeah I can be a bit shy and awkward, but at least I know that I'd never do THAT."
It's the dumbest show I've ever seen, but I can't say so out loud because SO MANY people who live in my area love it to pieces.
That kicker remarking that Kluwe loved the attention? Yeah, that means absolutely nothing, but I'm sure people will use that single comment to jump to all sorts of conclusions.
I'm just tired of living with a bunch of people who remain willfully ignorant of all the suffering in the world. Doesn't matter what kind of argument or information you bring to the table, the answer is always a deep sigh followed by "I just don't believe that [some sad truth] would take place." For example, "I just…
People can whine "ahhh you're so cynical, what a Negative Nancy" all they want, but this is the truth. Lebron is a smart guy, he's writing his own narrative and the (mostly) simple-minded sports media in America is eating it all up. I respect Lebron for the way he's taking charge of the story of his own legacy, not…
David Luiz is a joke. Obviously the blame doesn't fall entirely on his shoulders, but it boggles the mind that PSG just shelled out 50 million for this guy. A defender by trade whose weakness is... Defense. Yikes.
Looks like they're might also be an old-school Mariners logo on his neck?
What a ridiculous thing to say. Losing those two is a big blow, but it certainly didn't end their chances of winning. Come on.
This is why I genuinely don't want soccer to become big in America. Having morons like Wilbon and Kornheiser discuss the sport on a daily basis would do nothing but erode my passion for the game. Let's just keep the status quo and move on.
You make it sound like soccer fans walk around trumpeting how stupid non-fans of the sport are. The reality is, we have to defend our sport because everywhere we look, people can't wait to tell us how dumb and simple the game is. If you don't like it, that's fine, but let us enjoy the game in peace. I love sports talk…
I'm a huge soccer fan as of about five years ago, and you know what got me into it? FIFA. The video game, not the organization. I think point number seven is right on the mark.
Mock this thing all you want, but if I was rich I'd buy the shit out of it. Between cell phones and social networking and whatnot, I feel like I'm being forced to mourn my privacy
I feel frustrated that so many people are holding out on this awesome console. To each his own, I supposed, but a lot of people are missing out on some great games.
Franco is a GODAWFUL writer. Palto Alto is insufferable, and I'm still not convinced that his poem for Obama's second inauguration isn't some sort of joke.
This is a great stage demo. They all seem like they're genuinely having fun together
"I'm a man! I'm a manly man, preserving my honor and stuff!"
I had no idea Wilbon was "the man." I always thought he and Kornheiser were both idiots, sort of the Hannity and O'Reilly and Fox News: they're wrong a lot, but they get good ratings so you can't argue with them.
Her face is disgusting (seriously). Also, her mind
I don't know why I care anymore. Everything sucks, people suck. Fuck it all to hell. This is what you get when pea-brained athletes with gorilla necks are glorified in a community. Our priorities are so twisted it's not even funny.
This sucks. It's so disappointing when a big star misses out on this incredible tournament. This morning I also watched that 30 for 30 documentary, The Two Escobars, and I'd really like to see Colombia make a run this year. They're in a relatively weak group but this is a blow.