Great little car but...
Great little car but...
“Gas Monkey Garage” was an entertaining faux reality show but a horrible car show. One episode consisted entirely of Richard Rawlings buying a fleet of old Mustangs, turning around and reselling them to another collector.
This is all based on the player having a PS5 of course, I assume. The PS4 version will most likely be scaled down, graphics wise.
Great job with the “Groundhog Day” photoshops today. Well done.
Great job with the “Groundhog Day” photoshops today. Well done.
Time to start a new poll article series: Project Car or Boat Anchor.
This would make on heck of a clothes dryer!
Attention, manufacturers:
Simpsons did it.
Any Volvo that’s not a wagon is a waste of car real estate. This is a nice little car that should be 1/2 of the price of what they are asking for. ND
Jesus. Tomb Raider, from 20 years ago, had more realism.
My friend had a shortwave radio and we used to spend hours turn the dial slowly to listen to whatever came up, from satanic masses in San Francisco to drone signals over the Caspian Sea, anything and everything in between. Not sure if it’s as big as it was back then, pre-Internet.
That ‘41 Chevy would be perfect for some Roger Rabbit cosplay.
VW Touareg V10 Diesel. 553 lb-ft of torque in an SUV with AC.
I blame them Duke boys...
I put coilovers on my car as a daily driver.
If you had $2M dollars, where would you put it safely? A bank? Bitcoin? Grandma’s mattress?
Just ask Adam Conover (“Adam Ruins Everything”) about what happens when small entities are swallowed up by huge entities.
The 550i went for around $59k in 2007. This car is around 8% of that value. The BMW Gods will get their money from you, some how.
Midnight Mass was neither haunting, deranged, or impressively poignant. I would use words like boring, fruitless and dragging. The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor were Twilight Zone episodes dragged out to 9 hours.