Matt Ransom

This would have been a far better way to adapt Bendis' Alias.

"In a show full of heavy-handed writing, those scenes are some of the worst."

What's the point of critiquing the victimization of women in this show if you won't point out when they go in the opposite direction?

I hope that they'll understand that any common citizen caught with the movie, not knowing or understanding its contents, will be almost certainly detained and/or executed.

It's odd to point out all the things undone by time travel but to leave the big stinger unmentioned. Barry only knows about the reporter because of his time travel, but never got to ask Wells again before seeing the "disappearance" in the news.

The Cheat earned his pizza first.

This whole article is tenouttaten.

It's incredible how y'all took the opportunity to dogpile on Cosby and leave this article completely free of rape allegations.