
Which quote is that? I see a quote about how Jay played Team Flash and another that indicates that Zoom is clearly a version of the character we came to know as Jay Garrick. But nothing that explicitly says that Star Labs Jay was the same person as Zoom. They could be twins, dopplegangers, clones, past/future

Jay is supposed to be a "charming, smooth guy"? Maybe I missed that, but is seems like another case where the writers don't seem to understand what the viewers are seeing.

It was both. The decision to go to E2 directly led to the sequence of events where Joe was killed (which Barry could also have prevented in the moment by revealing he was the imposter)

As it is, they are going to have a hard time reconciling that Jay is Zoom without contradictions or logic holes. If they had spent more time developing the Jay Garrick character, it would make it that much harder to make the Jay = Zoom twist work.

I thought Zoom was great as a menacing villain, but you are right that he was pretty one dimensional and cartoonish so I never cared too much about who his true identity is (since I assumed it wasn't going to be the Earth-1 version of any of the core group). However now that they have put it out there, I am worried

I kept waiting for that to be part of Cisco's confession - that he was looking for any sign that Caitlin could be turning into Killer Frost because he was terrified that he is going to end up like Reverb.

Even 2 hero speedsters seems like too many. Working together, they would be too formidable to remain interesting week after week. At least they can send Jessie back to Earth-2 at the end of the season. Prisoner Jay could be a native of Earth-2 (or Earth-3) or he could die fighting Zoom in the finale. And I am

How many speedsters will it take to defeat Zoom? We could still have up to 5, right? (Barry, Wally, Jessie, prisoner Jay, Trajectory - if she is more than a 1 episode character)

But Barry doesn't really have an issue with Wally. The conflict in that relationship is driven by Wally's reasonably placed jealousy. Barry definitely isn't handling it well and is throwing fuel on the fire but that is because of how he feels about everything that happened on Earth-2, not any particular issue with

And causing a nuisance.

That is pretty much how I have to watch this and Legends of Tomorrow. Just try to enjoy it in the moment and not think too hard about any of the details.

On Krypton, apparently you can hack a system by asking it a series of clever questions that forces it to reveal the truth it is trying to hide.

I guess if you are going to find someone who hides in the shadows and you have a super computer like Gideon at your disposal then it does make sense to start your focus on time periods that have digital records for you to access. (And there was the additional implication that the only reason they could find Savage in

Ironically, the person on the team who consistently makes the best decisions seems to be Snart (despite his "try to steal the emerald for dad to keep him out of jail" plan). Sara is probably first if she is in control, but the blood lust affects her enough that she drops to #2. Heck, Mick might be #3 just because at

He has a cool suit.

Good point. But it still seems like you could transport the Hawks to the future (let's say from 1500AD to 1700AD) where they could live out the rest of their lives and by the time they die and are ready to transfer their life force, it is 200+ years after the last time it happened from Savage's perspective which

So really, all Rip needed to do is grab the Hawks from 2015 and remove them from the timeline and Savage will be greatly weakened, if not dead, by 2166. Or grab the Hawks out of 1100 AD if it takes more time for Savage's immortality to wear off.

Which is the bigger milestone in a relationship - reaching the point where you tell your significant other that you have super powers or that you have to take leave right this second to go take a shit?

I meant to comment about his last night. While Wells did say something like "I will help you steal the Flash's speed" to Zoom, it was at the end of a conversation where Wells confronted Zoom with the fact that he was waiting to steal Barry's speed and Zoom admits he is "fattening him up" before doing so. So like

I can understand why she might have acted that way (though I would hope my friends and family would be more excited for my potential opportunity than devastated by the possibility of me leaving them) and I am not trying to judge if it was the right or wrong thing to do. But I definitely think it limited the