
The problem is that her speech lost a lot of its punch once you discover that she has been hiding her decision to leave Central City and go back to school from Barry. Even if she makes the final decision because of Barry's reluctance to open up and be honest, she had to have been considering and planning it for

Based off a Harrison Wells line in the preview for next week's episode, I am 50-50 whether or not this is somehow the same Thawne but at an earlier point in his personal timeline and that Barry's hostile reaction upon meeting this Thawne will change Thawne's idolation of the Flash to hatred, eventually leading him to

While I agree that this is probably Barry's thought process, this episode also showed the error with that logic as the Turtle figured it out and targeted Patty, even though she didn't know it herself.

Not really related, but that reminds me - if Superman found Kara and brought her to the Danvers', how did the DEO get a hold of her ship? Did Superman just leave it sitting there? And he didn't look to see if it had a virtual memory device for Kara similar to the one he has of Jor El?

That is probably the least favorite part of the show to me. It seems completely unrealistic that Kara would essentially ignore/forgive Alex's betrayal and still trust her a week later. IMO, it is close to a fatal flaw that is making the entire show hard to watch (even if I could ignore the semi-presence of Superman